During his trial, Frazier Glenn Cross said he carried out the killings last year because he believed Jews were too powerful and were destroying the white race.
He could adapt himself to the injustice of his position and to the master white race only by being childish, carefree, religious, untruthful and unreliable.
During his trial, Frazier Glenn Cross said he carried out the killings last year because he believed Jews were too powerful and were destroying white race.
A few months later, she was in a car with some of her new internet friends headed to Charlottesville, Virginia, to march with torches in the name of the white race.
Taney said the Constitution gave the right of citizenship only to members of the white race. Because he was not a citizen, he had no right to ask the court to hear his case.
The quiet insolence of the white race was one thing he had tried to keep out of his mind for years. When the resentment would come to him he would cogitate and study.